Project configuration

This section provides information on how to configure your project(s) to integrate with the Klocwork tools. It contains information on how to setup integration with your preferred coding language, how to configure checkers and taxonomies, and how to change thresholds for reported metrics.

Configuring checkers for the integration build analysis

With Klocwork Static Code Analysis, you can configure the set of checkers that are run during analysis, organize checkers into categories and taxonomies or set up a global checker configuration for all new projects. For more details, see Configuring checkers for the integration build analysis.

Project integration flowchart

Learn how Klocwork is integrated into your existing system. For more details, see Setup integration project C/C++ flowchart or Setup integration project Java flowchart or Setup integration project C-sharp flowchart.

Import your projects and server settings

With the new Klocwork server installed and the portal up and running, you can import server settings and projects from your existing Klocwork installation. For more details, see Import your projects and server settings.