Localization details

This article explains how the language of the Klocwork tools and documentation is determined, and how you can change some of the default language settings.

How to change the default display language

Klocwork Static Code Analysis issue messages and traceback: To override the locale set when the project was created, you can set a new value for the project property "locale" with the kwadmin set-project-property command. This project property can accept the values "en" and "ja". This property should be set before running an integration build analysis, so that the language of issue messages and traceback will be consistent in all builds. Then, use the --url option of kwbuildproject so that the project properties are used in the analysis. This setting affects only issue messages, traceback and context-sensitive issue help in Klocwork Static Code Analysis and Klocwork Code Review. Note that this setting does not affect the display language for issue messages and traceback on the desktop.

Klocwork Static Code Analysis and Klocwork Code Review GUI elements: Select either English or Japanese with a language drop-down on the Klocwork Product Portal page (http://<klocwork_server_host>:<klocwork_server_port>). This affects Static Code Analysis and Code Review GUI elements and documentation, but not issue messages and traceback. The language of issue messages and traceback is set during project creation.

All other tools: For all other tools, it's not possible to change the default language for GUI elements, command output, issue messages, traceback or documentation.

Migrated projects

To display Japanese issue messages, traceback and context-sensitive issue help for a migrated project, set the "locale" project property to "ja" with the kwadmin set-project-property command. Then, run kwbuildproject with the --url option so that the project properties are used in the analysis. Note that Klocwork will display Japanese issue messages and traceback only for issues that are detected in a Japanese build (that is, a build run on a machine with the system locale set to Japanese). Other issues will remain in English (until they are detected in a Japanese build).