Report types


A dashboard is a configurable multi-chart summary report. You can use it to customize your own report, similar to the default Klocwork summary report.

  • From the Layout list, you can choose anywhere from one to four different reports to include.
  • Drag and drop reports from the list on the left to the main window.
  • Click all projects to have the report be the default summary report for all of your projects. If you prefer to have the report be the default for a specific project only, click this project only.
  • Type a name for the report in the Set report title box.


The security report provides a security health check for your project. For the selected security taxonomy, the security report is one-page summary consisting of four sections. Our security taxonomies cover standards such as CERT, CWE, DISA STIG, and OWASP.

This report shows Open Issues with grouping turned off.

  • The Top 3 Vulnerabilities Trend graph shows the trend of the three security rules with most issues over the selected date range or set of builds.
  • The Issues by Severity graph represents the number of issues in each severity.
  • The Top 3 New Vulnerabilities table shows the top three security rules with highest number of issues introduced in the latest build.
  • The Riskiest Source Code Directories table represents the riskiest directories (up to a maximum of ten) of the project that contribute the highest percent of issues, which pose the biggest security risk.


The quality report provides a quality health check for your project. Klocwork quality taxonomies are available for C/C++, C#, and Java. For the selected quality taxonomy, the quality report is a one-page summary consisting of four sections:

This report shows Open Issues with grouping turned off.

  • The Top 3 Quality Issues Trend graph shows the trend of the three rules with most issues over the selected date range or set of builds.
  • The Issues By Severity graph shows the number of issues for each severity level.
  • The Top 3 New Quality Issues table shows the three rules with the highest number of issues introduced in the latest build.
  • The Source Code Directories With the Most Quality Issues table contains the directories (up to a maximum of ten) in the project that contain the highest number of issues that pose the biggest quality risk.


The chart shows you a high-level view of issues over several builds.

  • X-Axis can be set to any field
  • Series can be set to any field except build
  • Filters can be set to any field except build

Top Issues

The chart displays issue counts for the issue types with the most issues in a build.

  • Filters can be set to any field except build
  • To set the maximum number of pie-segments displayed, type a number into the Top: field (default is 10)

Fix Activity

The chart displays the issues fixed between builds.

  • X-Axis is set to builds
  • Series is set as module
  • Filters can be set to severity, taxonomy, module and owner
  • You can also isolate system or desktop issues by selecting the desired option in the Show drop-down menu above the chart

Citing Backlog

The chart displays number of issues in Analyze status awaiting review, plus the number of issues in Fix status awaiting a fix, summarized by user.

  • X-Axis is set to builds by name and/or date
  • The build that the report is representing can be set by clicking on the choose builds link
  • The report displays both build names and dates.

If the start date doesn't fall on a build, the selected date is displayed. If the end date is on or after the latest build, the last label is 'Since <build name>'. If the start and end dates have no builds between them, only dates is displayed.

Citing Activity

The report displays all updates in the latest build, status updates over time, and a breakdown of the backlog and status updates by user.

Complexity Details

The report displays the number of instances of the top 15 complex methods and a list of modules that exceed the specified complexity threshold (default: 20).

  • X-Axis is set to existing modules
  • The threshold can be customized by entering a number in the Threshold field (default is 20)

Category Details

The report displays the issue distribution and summary of highest-density files/classes, by category.

  • Filter is set tostatus
  • Number of rows can be configured in the Table rows dialog box
  • The build the report is representing can be set by clicking on the latest build dialog box

Project Configuration

The report displays project information such as creation date, Klocwork version and basic code metrics.

Size Trend

The report shows total lines of non-blank, non-comment code, grouped by project or module. For C/C++ files, the report displays the number of lines of code after precompilation.

  • X-Axis is set to builds
  • Series is set as module
  • Filters can be set as owner or module

Churn Trend

The chart displays the number of added, deleted or changed entities of a particular type as compared to previous builds.

  • X-Axis is set to builds
  • Series is set as module
  • Filters can be set to module and owner
  • Churn type can be customized by selecting one of the options from the Churn type drop-down menu above the chart.

Complexity Trend

The chart displays Number of functions or class-methods that exceed the specified cyclomatic complexity threshold (default: 20).

  • X-Axis is set to builds
  • Filters can be set to module and owner
  • To set the threshold, type a number into the Threshold: field (default is 20)