Setting up NIS access control

To set up up NIS access control, select NIS as your access method in the Klocwork security utility (kwauthconfig), and specify the NIS server name and domain. Once the set up is complete, the NIS server will provide the names of individuals and groups for you to choose from in Klocwork Static Code Analysis. Klocwork's access to the NIS server is read-only, but you can also create your own groups in Klocwork Static Code Analysis.

In order to set up this access control method, you will need to complete the following steps:
  • Collect all relevant information, where appropriate
  • Use Klocwork security utility to modify the server configuration. See Configuring your access control method
  • Restart the Klocwork Server to switch to the new configuration

As the Klocwork administrator, you may configure access control yourself, or you may provide the data to the domain server administrator, who will do the set up.

What you need to know

Make sure that the common names presented in the NIS server map to user IDs. Klocwork uses the user IDs (for example, jlee) rather than the common name (Jean Lee), so it's important that these user IDs are available to Static Code Analysis.

Passwords of NIS users, including yours as the Klocwork administrator, are managed in NIS.

The following table lists the setting information required in order to configure NIS access in kwauthconfig:

Klocwork setting Description Example
Server name The NIS server's name. On a Linux platform, you can use ypwhich to find the server's name.
Domain The NIS server's domain name. On a Linux platform, you can use ypdomainname to find the domain name. klocwork

Configuring your access control method

  1. Launch the Klocwork security utility, kwauthconfig.

    For more information, see 'Launching Klocwork's security utility' here: Setting up access control

  2. After the utility launches, you will be prompted to provide the location of the project root structure. This location was specified during installation, and is typically: <server_install>\projects_root.
  3. Click Configure.
  4. Select NIS.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter the server's name and domain.
  7. Click Finish and the initial configuration utility screen will appear. Click OK to finalize your changes.

Note: You must restart the Klocwork Server with the command kwservice --projects-root <projects_root> restart klocwork or with Windows Services administration.

You can test your configuration by clicking Test Connection to check that Klocwork does connect to the NIS server with the properties you set. If the test fails, make sure you've entered the correct settings on the configuration screen. If you cannot figure out why the test is failing, contact Customer Support .

Synchronizing with the latest NIS data

The NIS data that Klocwork uses is automatically updated when you restart the Klocwork Server. Also, user information is updated when a user logs in, even if they were added to the NIS server after the last update of Klocwork user information. To force the Klocwork Server to reload all user and group data, see the kwuser command.

What's next?

Now that you've set up NIS access control in kwauthconfig, you're ready to create roles for your users in Klocwork Static Code Analysis.