AUTOSAR community checker reference

These Klocwork community checkers detect violations of the AUTOSAR C++14 Standard.


Checker name Description Default severity Enabled by default? Version
AUTOSAR.ADD.ASSIGN.OP.SIDE.EFFECT Move and copy assignment operators shall either move or respectively copy base classes and data members of a class, without any side effects 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.ASSIGN.OP.VIRTUAL A user-defined assignment operator shall not be virtual 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.AUTO.INIT.FORMAT A variable of type auto shall not be initialized using {} or ={} braced-initialization. 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.AUTO.SPECIFIER The auto specifier shall not be used here 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.COND.NOT.BOOL The condition of an if-statement and iteration statement shall have type bool 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.CTOR.INIT.LIST If a class has a user-declared constructor that takes a parameter of type std::initializer_list, then it shall be the only constructor apart from special member function constructors 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.CTOR.MEMBER.INIT All class data members that are initialized by the constructor shall be initialized using member initializers 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.ENUM.OP Enum shall not be used in arithmetic context 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.EXPR.EVAL.MULTI.CALL The value of an expression shall be the same under any order of evaluation that the standard permits 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.EXPR.EVAL.VOLATILE The value of an expression shall be the same under any order of evaluation that the standard permits 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.FILE.EXT Local implementation files not having .cpp file extension 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.FUNC.TEMPLATE.TRAIL.RTN In function templates, the trailing return type syntax shall be used if the return type depends on the type of parameters 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.LITERAL Literal values shall not be used apart from type initialization 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.LOGIC.NOT_BOOL The condition of an if-statement and iteration statement shall have type bool 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.NULLPTR Only nullptr literal shall be used as the null-pointer-constant 4 False 2022.3
AUTOSAR.ADD.ONEDEFRULE.FUNC Function is violating one definition rule 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.ONEDEFRULE.VAR Variable is violating one definition rule 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.OVERRIDE.VIRTUAL.SPECIFIER Each overriding virtual function shall be declared with the override or final specifier 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.REDEF.DERIVED.FUNC Non-virtual public or protected member functions shall not be redefined in derived classes. 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.RTN.REF.CONST.PARAM A function shall not return a reference or a pointer to a parameter that is passed by reference to const 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ADD.STR.TO.NON.CONST String literals shall not be assigned to non-constant pointers 4 False 2021.1
AUTOSAR.ARRAY.CSTYLE C-style arrays shall not be used 4 False 2022.2
AUTOSAR.ASM The asm declaration shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.ASSIGN.REF_QUAL Assignment operators should be declared with the ref-qualifier & 4 False 2022.2
AUTOSAR.ASSIGN.RETURN An assignment operator shall return a reference to "this" 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.AUTO_PTR The std::auto_ptr type shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.BUILTIN_NUMERIC Fixed width integer types from <cstdint> shall be used in place of the basic numerical types 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.CAST.CSTYLE Traditional C-style casts shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.CAST.DYNAMIC dynamic_cast should not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.CAST.REINTERPRET reinterpret_cast shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.CTOR.MOVE.COPY_SEMANTICS Move constructor shall not initialize its class members and base classes using copy semantics 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.CTOR.NO_EXPLICIT All constructors that are callable with a single argument of fundamental type shall be declared explicit 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.CTOR.NSDMI_INIT_LIST Both NSDMI and a non-static member initializer in a constructor shall not be used in the same type 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.DECL.IN_DEFN A class, structure, or enumeration shall not be declared in the definition of its type 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.DECL.NONTYPE_SPECIFIER A non-type specifier shall be placed before a type specifier in a declaration 4 False 2022.4
AUTOSAR.DIGIT_SEPARATORS Digit sequences separators ' shall only be used as follows (1) for decimal, every 3 digits, (2) for hexadecimal, every 2 digits, (3) for binary, every 4 digits 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.DO Do statements should not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.DTOR.NON_VIRTUAL If a public destructor of a class is non-virtual, then the class should be declared final 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.ENUM.EXPLICIT_BASE_TYPE Enumeration underlying base type shall be explicitly defined 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.ENUM.UNSCOPED Enumerations shall be declared as scoped enum classes 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.EXCPT.DYNAMIC_SPEC Dynamic exception-specification shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.EXCPT.NOEXCPT_THROW If a function is declared to be noexcept, noexcept(true) or noexcept(<true condition>), then it shall not exit with an exception 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.EXCPT.SPECIAL_MEMBER_THROW All user-provided class destructors, deallocation functions, move constructors, move assignment operators and swap functions shall not exit with an exception 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.FORWARD Forwarding values to other functions shall be done via: (1) std::move if the value is an rvalue reference, (2) std::forward if the value is forwarding reference 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.FRIEND_DECL Friend declarations shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.FUNC.INLINE_DEF A function definition shall only be placed in a class definition if (1) the function is intended to be inlined (2); it is a member function template; (3) it is a member function of a class template 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.FUNC.TMPL.EXPLICIT_SPEC Explicit specializations of function templates shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.GOTO The goto statement shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.HEX.UPPER Hexadecimal constants should be upper case 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.LAMBDA.IMPLICIT_CAPTURE Variables shall not be implicitly captured in a lambda expression 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.LAMBDA.IMPLICIT_RETURN_TYPE Return type of a non-void return type lambda expression should be explicitly specified 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.LAMBDA.NESTED Lambda expressions should not be defined inside another lambda expression 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.LAMBDA.NO_PARAM_LIST Parameter list (possibly empty) shall be included in every lambda expression 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.LAMBDA.REF_LIFETIME A lambda expression object shall not outlive any of its reference-captured objects 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.LAMBDA.TYPE_OPERAND A lambda shall not be an operand to decltype or typeid 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.MEMB.VIRTUAL.FINAL Virtual functions shall not be introduced in a final class 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.MEMB.VIRTUAL.SPEC Virtual function declaration shall contain exactly one of the three specifiers: (1) virtual, (2) override, (3) final. 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.OP.BINARY.RETVAL A binary arithmetic operator and a bitwise operator shall return a "prvalue" 4 False 2023.4
AUTOSAR.OP.COMPARE.MEMBER Comparison operators shall be non-member functions 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.OP.COMPARE.NON_NOEXCEPT Comparison operators shall be noexcept 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.OP.COMPARE.PARAMS Comparison operators shall have identical parameter types 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.OP.CONV User-defined conversion operators should not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.OP.CONV.NON_EXPLICIT All user-defined conversion operators shall be defined explicit 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.OP.DELETE.MISSING_VERSION If a project has sized or unsized version of operator "delete" globally defined, then both sized and unsized versions shall be defined 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.OP.INDEX.NON_CONST If "operator[]" is to be overloaded with a non-const version, const version shall also be implemented 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.OP.LITERAL.SUFFIX User defined suffixes of the user defined literal operators shall start with underscore followed by one or more letters 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.OP.NEW_DELETE Non-placement new or delete expressions shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.OP.NEW_NO_DELETE "operator new" and "operator delete" shall be defined together 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.OP.RELATIONAL.RETVAL A relational operator shall return a boolean value 4 False 2022.1
AUTOSAR.OP.TMPL.NON_MEMBER A non-member generic operator shall only be declared in a namespace that does not contain class (struct) type, enum type or union type declarations 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.REGISTER The register keyword shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.SETLOCALE The library <clocale> (locale.h) and the setlocale function shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.STDLIB.BIND The std::bind shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.STDLIB.CCTYPE.UCHAR Arguments to character-handling functions defined in <cctype> shall be representable as an unsigned char 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.STDLIB.MEMORY Functions malloc, calloc, realloc and free shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.STDLIB.MOVE.CONST The std::move shall not be used on objects declared const or const& 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.STDLIB.RAND Pseudorandom numbers shall not be generated using std::rand() 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.STDLIB.RANDOM.NBR_GEN_DEFAULT_INIT Random number engines shall not be default-initialized 3 False 2022.2
AUTOSAR.STDLIB.RANDOM_SHUFFLE Pseudorandom numbers shall not be generated using std::rand() 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.STYLE.SINGLE_DECL_PER_LINE Each expression statement and identifier declaration shall be placed on a separate line 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.STYLE.SINGLE_STMT_PER_LINE Each expression statement and identifier declaration shall be placed on a separate line 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.SWITCH.CASECOUNT A switch statement shall have at least two case-clauses, distinct from the default label 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.TERNARY.NESTED The ternary conditional operator shall not be used as a sub-expression 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.TYPEDEF The typedef specifier shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.TYPEDEF.CVQ_EAST CV-qualifiers shall be placed on the right hand side of the type that is a typedef or a using name 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.TYPE.LONG_DOUBLE Type long double shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.TYPE.QUAL.VOLATILE The volatile type qualifier shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.TYPE.WCHAR_T Type wchar_t shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.UNION Unions shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.VECTOR.BOOL The std::vector<bool> specialization shall not be used 4 False 2020.1
AUTOSAR.VIRTUAL.PTR_COMPARE A pointer to member virtual function shall only be tested for equality with null-pointer-constant 4 False 2020.1