Avoid boxing/unboxing when possible.

When a value type is used in a place where an object reference is expected, the value type is automatically converted into a an object by placing it in a "box". At the least, this is often not efficient.

Vulnerability and risk

When boxed objects are used in collections, there can be unexpected behavior. Further, boxing occurs automatically and so one may not realize that it was introduced. It is always worth checking to see if boxing was the intended behavior.

Vulnerable code example

  using System.Collections;
  public struct MyData
      int _data;
      public MyData(int data)
         _data = data;
      public void setData(int newData)
         _data = newData;
 public class Worker
     public static void work()
         ArrayList datasCollection = new ArrayList();
         MyData data = new MyData(0);
         datasCollection.Add(data); //boxing - rule violation
         MyData currentData = (MyData)datasCollection[0]; //unboxing - rule violation

Fixed code example

  // Fix #1
  using System.Collections;
  public class MyData
      int _data;
      public MyData(int data)
          _data = data;
     public void setData(int newData)
         _data = newData;
 public class Worker
     public static void work()
         ArrayList datasCollection = new ArrayList();
         MyData data = new MyData(0);
         MyData currentData = (MyData)datasCollection[0];