Method parameter with struct type has no ref or out specifier.

Method arguments of type struct require a ref or out modifier.

Vulnerability and risk

By default, struct parameters are passed by value. If you intended to pass by reference, expectations and behavior are different.

Mitigation and prevention

Unless there is an explicit reason, for clarity, method arguments of type struct must have a ref or out modifier.


  namespace kmcustom
      public struct StCoOrds
          public int x, y;
          public StCoOrds(int p1, int p2)
              x = p1;
             y = p2;
     public class ClCoOrds
         public int x, y;
         public ClCoOrds(int p1, int p2)
             x = p1;
             y = p2;
     class C12
         public void handleStructByValue(int i, ClCoOrds clcoords, StCoOrds stcoords) //NG
         public void handleStructByRef(int i, ref StCoOrds coords) //OK
         public void handleStructByOut(int i, out StCoOrds coords) //OK
             coords = new StCoOrds(2, 5);