Deploying the checker package to the Server and build machines

To deploy a custom checker, you must install the checker package on the Klocwork Server and on each build machine:

  1. Copy the checker package zip file to the projects_root/plugins directory for the Klocwork Server, creating the directory if it doesn't already exist.
  2. Wait 30 seconds to ensure the system updates the list of checkers.
  3. Deploy the new checker to the Server by running the kwdeploy sync command with the --url option, specifying the Klocwork Server host machine:
    kwdeploy sync [--url http(s)://<host>:<port>]
    The system adds the checker to the <server-install>/plugins directory.
  4. On each build machine, run the kwdeploy sync command with the --url option, specifying the Klocwork Server host machine:
    kwdeploy sync [--url http(s)://<host>:<port>]
    If you don't see a message that states that the directory was updated, run the command again.
  5. Run an integration-build analysis with kwbuildproject:
    kwbuildproject --tables-directory <dir> [<options>] <build_specification> 
  6. Have connected desktop users synchronize with the Klocwork Server by running a desktop analysis in their IDE or by using kwcheck.
Add the kwdeploy sync command with the --url option to the top of your build script to automate this process and ensure that your build machines are always in sync with the Server.