Using build tags
Build tags are brief elements of information that can be used to make a system (regular) build or CI build stand out.
With build tags, you can
assign useful tags such as branch names, commit IDs, platforms, or architecture to a build
add arbitrary metadata to a build that can be used in your scripts
associate a commit or branch with a build, which can be used when generating an overrides file
You can view, update, and clear build tags by editing a build through the Portal, web API, or by using the kwadmin or validate admin commands.
Some tips on using build tags:
Use comma to separate your list of tags. Examples:
Build tags can each contain spaces, but not at either end. Examples:
tag 1,tag 2,tag 3
Build tags cannot be longer than 256 bytes.
To replace existing build tags, replace the whole tag string. For example, if you wish to replace "tag2" with "tag2A" in the string "tag1,tag2,tag3", input
To add to existing tags, simply add the new tag to the end of the existing string. For example, to add "tag4" to the string "tag1,tag2,tag3", input:
You can set build tags directly on a build during the loading of a build. For example:
kwadmin --url http://localhost:8080 load <project_name> <tables_folder> --tags tag1,tag2,tag3
- You can add tags in either English or Japanese. For Japanese characters, use UTF-8 characters via curl.
When posting UTF-8 and/or large data, you can use --data-binary "@filename.txt" in combination with charset=utf-8 to avoid encoding parameters manually. For example:
Prepare a text file (tags.txt) containing all the request parameters:
user=myself&project=weather_control&action=update_build&name=天気制御_prototype&tags=cloud seeding,micro singularity,本当に大ファン
Run the call:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" --data-binary "@tags.txt" http://localhost:8080/review/api
You can also set charset when requesting data and redirect the curl output to a file as well. This process makes it easier to deal with UTF-8 characters in responses when using curl in a Windows environment. For example:
Call the build web API:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" -d "user=myself&project=weather_control&action=builds" http://localhost:8080/review/api > output.txt
The response (output.txt) is shown next:
{ "id": 1, "name": "天気制御_prototype", "date": 1691154992109, "keepit": false, "tags": [ "cloud seeding", "micro singularity", "本当に大ファン" ] } { "id": 2, "name": "天気制御_production", "date": 1691154992110, "keepit": true, "tags": [ "atmosphorming" ] }
- To clear tags, send a request with no data after “tags=”. For example:
curl --data "user=myself&project=weather_control&action=update_build&name=weather_prototype&tags=" http://localhost:8080/review/api