Avoid clearing stack trace while rethrowing exceptions.

Avoid rethrowing the caught exception because this will re-throw the exception and clear the stack trace. On the other hand a simple "throw;" will re-throw the caught expression and retain the stack trace. If you really need to add additional information and throw a new exception, then you should preserve the original exception as an InnerException in the newly thrown exception.

Vulnerable code example

  public class Class1
      public void method1()
              // Code
          catch (Exception ex)
             // Exception handling code
             throw ex; // Violation

Fixed code example

      public class Class1
          public void method1()
                  // Code
              catch (Exception ex)
                 // Exception handling code
                 throw; // FIXED
 // alternative
                 // Code
             catch (Exception ex)
                 // Exception handling code
                 Exception ex2 = new Exception("more info", ex);
                 throw ex2; // FIXED, added more info to the exception