Operands of different size in bitwise operation
The CWARN.BITOP.SIZE checker looks for code in which bitwise operations (&=, |=, and ^=) have operands with different sizes. Both operands of a bitwise operation must normally be either 32-bit or 64-bit values, although the checker won't flag a 64-bit mask used on a 32-bit value.
Vulnerability and risk
When an unsigned 32-bit value is converted to a 64-bit type, the 32 higher bits are set to zero, which probably isn't the original design intent and can cause unexpected results.
Vulnerable code example
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
u32 get_u32_value(void);
u64 get_u64_value(void);
void example(void) {
u32 mask32 = 0xff;
u64 mask64 = 0xff;
u32 value32 = get_u32_value();
u64 value64 = get_u64_value();
value64 &= ~mask32;
In this code, Klocwork flags line 10, in which a 32-bit mask is used with 64-bit data.