Using the 'forEach' method on ranges

Using the forEach method on ranges has a heavy performance cost. Prefer using simple for loops. Benchmarks have shown that using forEach on a range can have a huge performance cost in comparison to simple for loops. Hence, in most contexts, a simple for loop should be used instead. See more details here: https://sites.google.com/a/athaydes.com/renato-athaydes/posts/kotlinshiddencosts-benchmarks To solve this CodeSmell, the forEach usage should be replaced by a for loop.

Noncompliant Code

(1..10).forEach {
(1 until 10).forEach {
(10 downTo 1).forEach {

Compliant Code

for (i in 1..10) {


  • excludes (default: ['**/test/**', '**/androidtest/**', '**/commontest/**', '**/jvmtest/**', '**/jstest/**', '**/iostest/**'])

    path filters

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