Redundant 'else' case in 'when' expression

Turn on this rule to flag when expressions that contain a redundant else case. This occurs when it can be verified that all cases are already covered when checking cases on an enum or sealed class.

Noncompliant Code

enum class Color {

fun whenOnEnumFail(c: Color) {
    when(c) {
        Color.BLUE -> {}
        Color.GREEN -> {}
        Color.RED -> {}
        else -> {}

Compliant Code

enum class Color {

fun whenOnEnumCompliant(c: Color) {
    when(c) {
        Color.BLUE -> {}
        Color.GREEN -> {}
        else -> {}

fun whenOnEnumCompliant2(c: Color) {
    when(c) {
        Color.BLUE -> {}
        Color.GREEN -> {}
        Color.RED -> {}

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