Public classes, objects and interfaces do not have the required documentation

This rule reports public classes, objects and interfaces which do not have the required documentation. Enable this rule if the codebase should have documentation on every public class, interface and object. By default, this rule also searches for nested and inner classes and objects. This default behavior can be changed with the configuration options of this rule.


  • excludes (default: ['**/test/**', '**/androidtest/**', '**/commontest/**', '**/jvmtest/**', '**/jstest/**', '**/iostest/**'])

    path filters

  • searchInNestedClass (default: True)

    if nested classes should be searched

  • searchInInnerClass (default: True)

    if inner classes should be searched

  • searchInInnerObject (default: True)

    if inner objects should be searched

  • searchInInnerInterface (default: True)

    if inner interfaces should be searched

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