
The kwcollect command (like Kwcscollect for C#) is a lightweight tool that you can use to collect C/C++ data and submit to Klocwork Support to receive additional help with build errors.


<install_directory>\python\python [<options>] <tables_dir>


  • <install_directory> specifies the directory where Klocwork is installed

  • <options> is any of the kwcollect options listed below
  • <tables_dir> is the tables directory of the project you want to collect data for


If you want to add multiple files to an archive to collect data on, run the following:

C:\Klocwork\Server 21.3\python\python -f "file1" -a "file2" -o "myarchive" "C:\Klocwork\Server 21.4\My_tables"

There must either be build errors in the project, or at least one source file must be specified with -f in order for kwcollect to pack any data. Any files specified with the '-a' option will not pack anything unless there are build errors in the project.

If you want to collect data for your entire project, run the following:

C:\Klocwork\Server 21.3\python\python --all-sources "C:\Klocwork\Server 21.4\My_tables"


Name (and short name) Description
<tables_dir> The location of your project's tables directory; this is a mandatory option and must be specified last
--help (-h) display help
-f <file> looks for build errors on specified source file
-l <file> looks for build errors on specified file list
-a <file> adds specified file to an archive
-o <file> specify the name of the archive you want to create
--lef packs all lef-related files
--all-sources packs all source files for the project, with the exception of lef-related files.
--debug enable debug output