Exception without arguments or further description

This rule reports all exceptions which are thrown without arguments or further description. Exceptions should always call one of the constructor overloads to provide a message or a cause. Exceptions should be meaningful and contain as much detail about the error case as possible. This will help to track down an underlying issue in a better way.

Noncompliant Code

fun foo(bar: Int) {
    if (bar < 1) {
        throw IllegalArgumentException()
    // ...

Compliant Code

fun foo(bar: Int) {
    if (bar < 1) {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("bar must be greater than zero")
    // ...


  • excludes (default: ['**/test/**', '**/androidtest/**', '**/commontest/**', '**/jvmtest/**', '**/jstest/**', '**/iostest/**'])

    path filter

  • exceptions (default: ['arrayindexoutofboundsexception', 'exception', 'illegalargumentexception', 'illegalmonitorstateexception', 'illegalstateexception', 'indexoutofboundsexception', 'nullpointerexception', 'runtimeexception', 'throwable'])

    exceptions which should not be thrown without message or cause

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