Advanced reporting for the integration build

This set of articles provides information for those wanting to expand or customize the reporting available in Validate by Perforce.

  • Tracking issues by owner

Assigning issue owners helps developers manage their own issue backlog and helps managers track developers' progress. You can assign ownership in two ways:

  • by file, with a source ownership file
  • by issue, in Validate

You can use these two methods separately or together.

  • Customizing metrics reports in Validate

You can customize the available metrics reports in Validate by customizing the default Size and Complexity report types, adding new report types based on Validate metrics, and adding custom report types based on metrics you define. Once you have added new metrics report types to this list, you can also generate reports based on these types, save them, and make them public, so that all Validate users will see them in the Reports tree.

  • Changing the thresholds for reported metrics

Validate can detect and report on metrics threshold violations that you set based on your organization's standards and priorities. The default metrics thresholds configuration file produces a report that covers a few basic metrics. By modifying this configuration file, however, you can have Validate report on those errors most relevant to your code quality objectives.

  • Adding external documents to Validate

If you want to make additional information available to the development team, you can make your own documents visible in Validate. You can add many types of documents, such as text files, document files and HTML files. Note that image files are not supported. If the browser can display the file type, users will be able to view the document contents in the right pane of Validate. If the browser is unable to display the file type, users can still right-click the document link and download the file.

  • Integrating bug tracking with Validate

Integrating your bug tracking system with Validate allows you to send bug tickets forValidate issues to your tracking system, and display the tracker's bug ID, a link to the bug ticket, and other information from the tracker in Validate.

  • Validate Web API cookbook

The Validate Web API provides administrators with a scriptable interface to the Validate database. Currently, the Web API targets only information on detected issues and metrics.