Investigating issues

Validate provides several tools to help you decide whether detected issues are actual defects in the context of your code. If you determine that the detected issues are real defects, Validate also helps you decide how serious they are and when they should be fixed.

Click the description for an issue in the list or double-click anywhere on a row to view details for that issue.

Summary: The section at the top left provides quick information on the issue, with a link to help on the type of issue. You can right-click the issue ID number and copy a permanent link to include in bug reports or attach to emails.

Found in other projects list: If cross-project issue matching has been set up, you may see a list of other projects where this issue appears, along with the status for those issues, under the summary.

Traceback: The traceback section identifies and describes statements in the source code that contribute to the issue. Traceback lines link directly to the source code and follow execution order. Note that traceback may not be available for all issues. If you don't see any traceback for the error selected from the list of issues, it means that the problem associated with the issue is confined to one line of code.

Source viewer: The lines in the source file involved in the error are highlighted. The highlighted lines correspond to the currently selected traceback item. See Using the source viewer in Validate for information on using this powerful source viewer.

Now that you have more information about the issue, it's time to cite the issue by changing its status and adding comments.

If you investigate an issue from a previous build, you cannot edit or export it. You must work in the latest version of the issue to make any changes.