Supported platforms

The Klocwork Server and Build Tools packages are supported on the following operating systems (except where noted). This means that Klocwork has performed the full test suite on these operating systems with certain hardware and will provide technical support as specified in the Klocwork support policies.

Klocwork Server

You cannot use Klocwork tools with SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) enabled.
Processor Operating system
Intel and AMD 64 bit AlmaLinux:
  • For release 2024.2, includes AlmaLinux 9 to 9.4.
Amazon Linux 2:
  • For release 2024.2, includes version 2.0.20240529.0 Update.
  • For release 2024.2, includes CentOS 7.5 to 7.9.
  • For release 2024.2, includes Debian 10.0 to 10.13, 11.0 to 11.9.
  • For release 2024.2, includes Fedora 39 to 40.
  • For release 2024.2, includes Tumbleweed, Leap 15.5 to 15.6.
Oracle Linux
  • For release 2024.2, includes Oracle Linux 7 to 7.9, Oracle Linux 8 to 8.8, Oracle Linux 9 to 9.4.
SUSE Enterprise
  • For release 2024.2, includes SUSE Enterprise 12 SP4 to 12 SP5 , Enterprise 15 SP1 to 15 SP5.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • For release 2024.2, includes Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 to 7.9, 8.0 to 8.8, 9 to 9.4.
Rocky Linux
  • For release 2024.2, includes Rocky Linux 9 to 9.4.
  • For 2024.2, includes Ubuntu 18.04 to 18.04.6 LTS, 20.04 to 22.04.6 LTS, 22.04 to 22.04.4 LTS.

Klocwork also supports Debian running glibc 2.15 or greater (use getconf GNU_LIBC_VERSION to find out your version).

Windows 10 versions 1809 to 22H2
Windows 11 versions 22H2 to 23H2
Windows Server 2012 to R2
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2022

Klocwork Build tools

The following platforms support the Klocwork Build tools package.
ProcessorOperating system
Intel and AMD 64 bitAlmaLinux:
  • For release 2024.2, includes AlmaLinux 9 to 9.4.
Amazon Linux 2:
  • For release 2024.2, includes version 2.0.20240529.0 Update.
  • For release 2024.2, includes CentOS 7.5 to 7.9.
  • For release 2024.2, includes Debian 10.0 to 10.13, 11.0 to 11.9.
  • For release 2024.2, includes Fedora 39 to 40.
  • For release 2024.2, includes Tumbleweed, Leap 15.5 to 15.6.
Oracle Linux
  • For release 2024.2, includes Oracle Linux 7 to 7.9, Oracle Linux 8 to 8.8, Oracle Linux 9 to 9.4.
SUSE Enterprise
  • For release 2024.2, includes SUSE Enterprise 12 SP4 to 12 SP5 , Enterprise 15 SP1 to 15 SP5.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • For release 2024.2, includes Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 to 7.9, 8.0 to 8.8, 9 to 9.4.
Rocky Linux
  • For release 2024.2, includes Rocky Linux 9 to 9.4.
  • For 2024.2, includes Ubuntu 18.04 to 18.04.6 LTS, 20.04 to 22.04.6 LTS, 22.04 to 22.04.4 LTS.

Klocwork also supports Debian running glibc 2.15 or greater (use getconf GNU_LIBC_VERSION to find out your version).

Windows 10 versions 1809 to 22H2
Windows 11 versions 22H2 to 23H2
Windows Server 2012 to R2
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2022

Windows operating system dependencies

Klocwork versions 2023.4 and later have no dependencies on Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 or older.

The Klocwork build tools for Windows have a dependency on the 64-bit Visual C++ redistributable package. The vc_redist.x64.exe package is available from Microsoft at

Linux operating system patches and packages

The following patches or packages are required for running Klocwork products on Linux. They are in addition to the regular maintenance patches for your operating system.

If you are installing on Linux x86, 64-bit

The following patches or packages are required for running Klocwork products on Linux. They are in addition to the regular maintenance patches for your operating system.

For licensing and analysis tools to work, Klocwork requires the Linux Standard Base core package in addition to GNU and GCC standard libraries listed below; install the 64-bit version of the package.

For Ubuntu, run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libaio1
sudo apt-get install numactl
sudo apt-get install lsb-core

For earlier versions of Ubuntu, consult the Ubuntu documentation.

For Fedora and Redhat Enterprise Linux, run these commands:

sudo yum install glibc
sudo yum install libgcc
sudo yum install numactl-libs
sudo yum install libnsl
sudo yum install redhat-lsb-core

Fedora may also require the following package:

sudo yum install libxcrypt-compat

For CentOS, run these commands:

sudo yum install glibc
sudo yum install libgcc
sudo yum install numactl
sudo yum install redhat-lsb-core

Depending on the Linux version, Klocwork servers require one of the following 3rd-party packages to run:


If you are installing on a Linux distribution that does not install the X11 version of X Window by default

You need to install xorg-XFree86-deprecated-libs.