
Use the table below to find troubleshooting information for the task that you are trying to perform.

See: For information about:
General troubleshooting issues General troubleshooting issues.
Authentication issues Common errors and issues related to LDAP authentication configuration.
Build issues Build issues and messages you might encounter while configuring your analysis build. It's important that these warning messages are addressed and that your error logs are as clean as possible when configuring your analysis build.
Custom checker issues Issues you may run into when developing or deploying custom checkers.
Database issues Common database errors including connection and propagation problems.
Desktop synchronization troubleshooting Issues you may run into when trying to synchronize your desktop with the Klocwork Server.
Eclipse troubleshooting Errors and warnings relating to the Klocwork desktop analysis plug-in for Eclipse.
IntelliJ IDEA troubleshooting Issues you may encounter when using the Klocwork desktop analysis plug-in for IntelliJ IDEA. This includes Java SDK configuration issues, desktop synchronization issues, and desktop licensing problems.
Klocwork Desktop issues Issues you may encounter when performing Klocwork analysis on the desktop. These warnings and error messages are common to all IDE plug-ins.
Licensing issues Licensing issues including server connection problems, problems on the desktop, and license provisioning issues.
Multibyte character issues Issues related to multibyte characters.
Static Code Analysis issues Common errors or warnings that you might encounter when using Static Code Analysis.
Visual Studio troubleshooting Errors and warnings relating to the Klocwork desktop analysis plug-in for Visual Studio.
VS Code troubleshooting Errors and warnings relating to the Klocwork desktop analysis plug-in for VS Code.