Disallow negating the left operand of relational operators

Just as developers might type -a + b when they mean -(a + b) for the negative of a sum, they might type !key in object by mistake when they almost certainly mean !(key in object) to test that a key is not in an object. !obj instanceof Ctor is similar.

Rule Details

This rule disallows negating the left operand of the following relational operators:

  • in operator (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/in).
  • instanceof operator (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/instanceof).

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-unsafe-negation: "error"*/

if (!key in object) {
    // operator precedence makes it equivalent to (!key) in object
    // and type conversion makes it equivalent to (key ? "false" : "true") in object

if (!obj instanceof Ctor) {
    // operator precedence makes it equivalent to (!obj) instanceof Ctor
    // and it equivalent to always false since boolean values are not objects.

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-unsafe-negation: "error"*/

if (!(key in object)) {
    // key is not in object

if (!(obj instanceof Ctor)) {
    // obj is not an instance of Ctor


For rare situations when negating the left operand is intended, this rule allows an exception. If the whole negation is explicitly wrapped in parentheses, the rule will not report a problem.

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-unsafe-negation: "error"*/

if ((!foo) in object) {
    // allowed, because the negation is explicitly wrapped in parentheses
    // it is equivalent to (foo ? "false" : "true") in object
    // this is allowed as an exception for rare situations when that is the intended meaning

if(("" + !foo) in object) {
    // you can also make the intention more explicit, with type conversion

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-unsafe-negation: "error"*/

if (!(foo) in object) {
    // this is not an allowed exception


This rule has an object option:

  • "enforceForOrderingRelations": false (default) allows negation of the left-hand side of ordering relational operators (<, >, <=, >=)
  • "enforceForOrderingRelations": true disallows negation of the left-hand side of ordering relational operators


With this option set to true the rule is additionally enforced for:

  • < operator.
  • > operator.
  • <= operator.
  • >= operator.

The purpose is to avoid expressions such as ! a < b (which is equivalent to (a ? 0 : 1) < b) when what is really intended is !(a < b).

Examples of additional incorrect code for this rule with the { "enforceForOrderingRelations": true } option:

/*eslint no-unsafe-negation: ["error", { "enforceForOrderingRelations": true }]*/

if (! a < b) {}

while (! a > b) {}

foo = ! a <= b;

foo = ! a >= b;

When Not To Use It

If you don't want to notify unsafe logical negations, then it's safe to disable this rule.

The content on this page is adapted from the ESLint User Guide. Copyright © OpenJS Foundation and other contributors, www.openjsf.org. All rights reserved. https://eslint.org/docs/rules/