
Kwdeploy deploys custom checkers from the projects_root/plugins directory to the build environment directory <server_install>/plugins. The kwdeploy command is installed with the Klocwork Server package.

For more information about deploying checkers to your build environment, see Deploying custom checkers and Deploying the checker package to the Server and build machines.


  • The Klocwork Servers must be running. See Starting the Klocwork Servers.
  • As soon as a checker package is placed in the projects_root/plugins folder, it is available to connected desktop users upon synchronization.
  • For C#, the checker package is placed in the projects_root/plugins/csharp folder.
  • Whenever you add or delete checkers to or from the projects_root/plugins directory, wait 30 seconds before you run the kwdeploy command to allow the system time to update the list of checkers.


kwdeploy <subcommand> [--url http(s)://<host>:<port>]


  • <subcommand> is install, sync (the default), or uninstall (see below)
  • <host>:<port> is the host machine and port running the Klocwork Server


There are three subcommands for kwdeploy:

  • kwdeploy sync, which is the default if you don't specify a subcommand, synchronizes the <server_install>/plugins build directory with the projects_root/plugins directory. The kwdeploy sync command takes all the checkers in the projects_root/plugins and projects_root/plugins/csharp directories and overwrites the contents of the <server_install>/plugins directory, adding and removing checkers so that the directories match.
    Note: When you run the kwdeploy sync command, the system also deploys the kwfilter.conf file and any '*' files placed in the projects_root/compiler_config directory. This feature is useful for deploying files to build machines and desktops. For more information, see Deploying kwfilter.conf.
  • kwdeploy install <CHECKER1> <CHECKER2> <...> gives you more control over your build environment, letting you specify which checkers you want deployed in your build environment.
  • kwdeploy uninstall <CHECKER1> <CHECKER2> <...> uninstalls specific checkers from your build environment.

Adding checkers

Before running kwdeploy or kwdeploy install to add checkers to your build environment, you must copy the checker deployment package into the projects_root/plugins directory. For C# checkers, copy the checker deployment package into the projects_root/plugins/csharp directory.

Removing checkers

If you're using kwdeploy sync to remove checkers from your build environment, you must remove the checkers from the appropriate directory before you run the command:
  • projects_root/plugins
  • projects_root/plugins/csharp
  • projects_root/plugins/<platform-name>
If you're using the kwdeploy uninstall command to remove checkers from your build environment, you must run the kwdeploy uninstall command first, and then delete the checker package from the appropriate directory:
  • projects_root/plugins
  • projects_root/plugins/csharp
  • projects_root/plugins/<platform-name>


Name Description
install <CHECKER1> <CHECKER2> <...> installs only specified checkers to the build environment; checker names are:
  • delimited by spaces,
  • case sensitive, and
  • should not include the file extension (.jar or .zip)
sync synchronizes the build environment with the contents of the projects_root/plugins directory by installing and uninstalling checkers from the build environment so that the build environment matches the contents of the projects_root/plugins directory.

deploys kwfilter.conf and any '*' files placed in the projects_root/compiler_config directory.

uninstall <CHECKER1> <CHECKER2> <...> uninstalls specified checkers from the build environment; after you do this you must manually remove the checkers from the projects_root/plugins directory. Checker names are
  • delimited by spaces,
  • case sensitive, and
  • should not include the file extension (.jar or .zip)


Name Description
--help displays the available options
--url http(s)://<klocwork_server_host>:<klocwork_server_port>/ URL for the Klocwork Server.
  • <host> specifies the host machine running the Klocwork Server you want to connect to
  • <port> specifies the Klocwork Server port
  • Use https:// if a secure Klocwork Server connection has been configured.