Consider using f-string
Used when we detect a string that is being formatted with format() or % which could potentially be a f-string.
The use of f-strings is preferred. Requires Python 3.6 and py-version >= 3.6
Noncompliant Code:
from string import Template
menu = ('eggs', 'spam', 42.4)
old_order = "%s and %s: %.2f ¤" % menu # [consider-using-f-string]
beginner_order = menu[0] + " and " + menu[1] + ": " + str(menu[2]) + " ¤"
joined_order = " and ".join(menu[:2])
format_order = "{} and {}: {:0.2f} ¤".format(menu[0], menu[1], menu[2]) # [consider-using-f-string]
named_format_order = "{eggs} and {spam}: {price:0.2f} ¤".format(eggs=menu[0], spam=menu[1], price=menu[2]) # [consider-using-f-string]
template_order = Template('$eggs and $spam: $price ¤').substitute(eggs=menu[0], spam=menu[1], price=menu[2])
Compliant Code:
menu = ('eggs', 'spam', 42.4)
f_string_order = f"{menu[0]} and {menu[1]}: {menu[2]:0.2f} ¤"