Filtering issues on the desktop

Filtering allows you to narrow the scope of the issues listed in the Klocwork Issues view. For example, you can limit your issue list to those:

  • in a particular taxonomy
  • in the selected file or directory
  • of local origin (that is, issues you've introduced into the code)
  • of the highest severity
  • in currently selected file(s)
  • of a particular status
  • belonging to a particular owner
  • in a selected working set (Klocwork Desktop only)
Filtering by taxonomy allows you to focus only on violations of a particular standard, such as MISRA C or MISRA C++, or by custom checker groupings that have been applied to the integration project.

Filter settings remain in effect for the project until you change them again. So, if there are issues that are missing from your list, check and adjust your filter settings to see more issues as desired.

Filtering settings differ among the IDE plug-ins, Klocwork Desktop, and kwcheck. See the how-to links provided below.