Backing up Klocwork data

This article describes backing up and restoring Klocwork data.

All data generated during Klocwork project builds, including build information in the MariaDB database and defect data in Lucene, is stored in the projects_root directory. The data is changes frequently as users load builds, cite issues, and change settings or configuration. Backing up the projects_root directory ensures that all relevant data can be restored, if needed.

For information about the default location and other considerations, see projects_root directory.

The Klocwork installation directory contains base checker configuration files, custom checkers, and database configuration files that may need to be backed up periodically when they are modified, added, or removed.

If you modify Klocwork configuration files in your Validate installation directory, back up them up after making changes. See Before you begin for examples of these files.

If you have created and deployed custom checkers, back up the <server_install>/plugins directory.

As part of an integration build analysis, Klocwork copies any necessary data from the tables directory to the projects_root, so you do not need to back up the tables directory.

Before you begin

Failure to follow the instructions for restoring a project from a hot backup can lead to inconsistent state.

Configuration settings and data in your Validate installation directory that are shared across all servers running on the Validate installation folder are not backed automatically. If you will eventually change your machine or migrate your Validate installation, manually back up your Validate installation folder and include this data. Examples include:

  • Modified compiler configurations, settings, and custom checkers in the config and plugins folder
  • kwfilter.conf and kwmysql.ini in the config folder
  • Custom taxonomies in the taxonomies folder
  • clients.json in the clients folder

We recommend taking the following precautions when backing up a project or Validate server:

  • To minimize security risks, unintended changes, and unauthorized access, use a service account instead of a system user account when creating a backup.

  • To protect a backup from tampering, create a hash of the backup before storing it and keep the hash in a secure location. When you're ready to restore the backup, generate the hash again and make sure it matches the original to confirm that the backup has not been altered.

  • To protect a backup from unauthorized access, encrypt the backup folder using a method of your choice. For example, place the backup folder in a password-protected location or apply password protection directly to the folder.

  • To protect a backup from a potential server or system failure, store the backup in a secure location that is separate from the server it was created on.

  • To ensure all data is captured, back up any customized Klocwork configuration files and custom checkers (non-volatile data on which it is safe to perform a hot backup).

Backup methods

We recommend reading each of the following descriptions and procedures in the sections below to decide which method is right for you.

Hot backup

A hot backup is performed while the Klocwork server is running and users are logged into the system. While this minimizes downtime, it can lead to data loss or corruption as users continue to work during the process. The only hot backup method that is officially supported and will not lead to data loss or corruption is Method 1: Use supported scripts.

Cold backup

We recommend using a cold backup to back up an entire server without having to back up each project individually.

A cold backup shuts down the Klocwork server for a short period to ensure that:

  • In-flight data transactions are completed before backing up data
  • Restoration from the backup is consistent

Hybrid backup

A hybrid backup is a hot backup followed by a cold backup. This minimizes downtime while ensuring data is consistent.

Performing a cold backup

Inform your users that services will be temporarily unavailable before shutting down the Klocwork servers.
  1. Back up any customized Klocwork configuration files from <server_install>/config separately.

  2. Stop the Klocwork server.
  3. Use normal operating system (or backup utility) commands to copy the entire projects_root directory to your desired backup media.
  4. Start the Klocwork server.

Restoring from a cold backup

Since you are restoring data from the last time you performed a cold backup, you will lose any analyses and transactions that were performed since that backup. You cannot automatically reapply transactions to the last backup.
  1. Stop the Klocwork server.
  2. If the entire installation was corrupted and reinstalled, and if you backed up any configuration files during the preparation phase, copy the files back into the newly installed <server_install>/config directory.
  3. Delete the contents of the corrupted projects_root directory.
  4. Restore the projects_root from backup media to the projects_root location.
  5. Start the Klocwork server.

Performing a hot backup

The following methods can be used to perform a backup while your server is running.

Method 1: Use supported scripts is the supported method for creating a hot backup of a project that can be restored later.

Method 1: Use supported scripts

This method does not restore user and group roles that were assigned to specific projects. However, this method will restore user and group global roles when you restore server information.

To minimize downtime, you can back up your server and project information without ever stopping your server. Later, you can restore a backup to a new projects root.

This method is similar to using kwprojcopy with some additional benefits:

  • To prevent file corruption, project information is locked while creating a backup archive.
  • You never have to stop your server from running.
  • You can customize the scripts to suit your needs. For example, you can execute your preferred file copy tools while creating a backup archive.

Instead of manually running the Python scripts, use the launchers validate_backup and validate_restore to run the scripts automatically. The launchers ensure that the scripts will work within a virtual environment, use the bundled Python installation, and install any required dependencies.

A backup created with one version of validate_backup cannot be restored with a different version of validate_restore. For example, a backup created with Validate 24.4 cannot be restored using Validate 24.3 or 25.1. Use the same version of Validate to back up and restore a project or server. To avoid compatibility issues when you migrate to a new server version, we recommend that you create new project and server backups after you finish the migration.

Run the commands that apply to your system.

Using supported scripts on Windows

Run the following commands:

<Validate-installation>/bin/validate_backup.cmd  # For backup
<Validate-installation>/bin/validate_restore.cmd  # For restore

Using supported scripts on Linux

  1. Install the system libraries that are required to run and on Linux, run the example commands below, adjusting to suit your Linux distribution:
    curl -sS | sudo bash

    sudo apt-get install libmariadb3=1:11.5.2+maria~ubu2404 libmariadb-dev=1:11.5.2+maria~ubu2404
  2. Next, run the following commands:
  3. You may encounter a MySQL "socket error" while running the scripts on Linux if the database host is not properly specified in the command. Workaround: To connect the script to the correct MySQL host, add the --db-host parameter to the command, followed by the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or the IP address of the host where the database is running. For example: backup --db-host
    <Validate-installation>/bin/validate_backup  # For backup
    <Validate-installation>/bin/validate_restore # For restore

Backing up, restoring, and verifying project and server data

For full instructions, see the following articles:

Method 2: Use kwprojcopy

This method does not restore user and group roles that were assigned to specific projects.

Kwprojcopy incrementally back ups each project. While kwprojcopy is running, it locks projects and collects the data required for a project backup. You can later restore the data using the kwprojcopy import function.

Using kwprojcopy requires no downtime, but only backs up project-specific data and not global data (such as reports definitions).

Method 3: Back up an entire Virtual Machine

You can use a virtual machine (VM) backup to increase backup speed while your server is shut down. To determine if this method is viable, first investigate how long it takes to create a snapshot in different VM architectures.

  1. Stop the Klocwork server.
  2. Back up the VM image according to your requirements and procedures.
  3. Start the Klocwork server.

To restore from the backup, stop the Klocwork server and replace your current VM image and/or projects_root directory. Then, start the Klocwork server to complete the restoration.

Performing a hybrid backup

You can use rsync to perform a double backup. Rsync can incrementally copy files at the binary level. If you perform a full backup, the next rsync will only copy files that have changed, reducing the time required for incremental backups.

  1. While Klocwork server is running, run "rsync -a projects_root projects_root_backup" on the live Klocwork projects_root.
  2. Stop the Klocwork server.
  3. Run "rsync -a --delete projects_root projects_root_backup" to copy the changed files. Since the amount of files is likely smaller, it should take less time to complete.
  4. Start the Klocwork server.

To restore from the backup, stop the Klocwork server and replace your current projects_root directory with the "projects_root_backup" you created. Then, start the Klocwork server to complete the restoration.