Command Reference

This page provides an index of Klocwork commands.

Command Description
kwadmin administers integration projects and builds
kwant creates a Java build specification based on the information in your ant build file
kwauth allows users to authenticate with the Klocwork Server
kwbazel analyzes projects built with the Bazel build system
kwbuildproject runs the integration build analysis
kwchangestatus allows you to connect to the Klocwork Server and cite defects from the command line
kwcheck a desktop analysis tool for C/C++ and Java developers using IDEs and text editors that aren't supported by Klocwork in the form of an IDE plug-in
kwciagent a CI analysis tool for C/C++, C#, and Java developers using IDEs and text editors that aren't supported by Klocwork in the form of an IDE plug-in
kwcollect a lightweight tool that you can use to collect data
kwconv converts Klocwork configuration files to UTF-8 encoding
kwcreatechecker creates custom checkers
kwcscollect a lightweight tool that you can use to collect data about C# projects
kwdefectimport imports external defects into Klocwork
kwdeploy deploys custom checkers from the <projects_root>/plugins folder to the build environment (<server_install>/plugins)
kwdtagent starts the remote desktop agent for running Klocwork Desktop in remote mode
kwecbuild runs a distributed integration build analysis of a C/C++ project based on emake (the Electric Cloud version of make)
kwgcheck starts Klocwork Desktop
kwgradle creates a build specification using your Gradle build file
kwgradlew creates a build specification using your Gradle wrapper
kwinject monitors your C/C++ build to create a build specification
kwjava compiles Klocwork Java source code
kwlogparser converts your build log into a Klocwork build trace; allows integration with Electric Cloud
kwmatch matches detected issues across projects in an issue matching group
kwmaven creates a Java build specification based on the information in your maven build file
kwprojcopy export a copy of a server project and stores it locally
validate service administers the Klocwork Servers
kwshell monitors your C/C++ build to generate a build specification for kwcheck or for Klocwork Desktop for C/C++
kwstruct101 generates a Structure 101 archive file (.kw) given the tables folder output from your C/C++ build analysis. You can import the archive file in Structure101 and save it as a project file.
kwupdate lists installed components and installs/uninstalls patches
kwuser resynchronizes user and group information with an NIS server
kwwebappscan scans a directory for Web applications and creates a build specification
kwwrap provides an alternate method of generating a build specification for C/C++ projects, if kwinject alone does not work in your environment
kwxsync synchronizes issue status updates and comments, along with the ID of the user who made the changes, among projects that you specify
validate admin administers Validate integration projects and builds
validate auth allows users to authenticate with the Validate Server
validate authconfig allows you to manage your Validate Security Configuration settings
validate projcopy export a copy of a Validate server project and stores it locally
validate service administers the Validate Servers
validate xsync synchronizes Validate issue status updates and comments, along with the ID of the user who made the changes, among projects that you specify